Register offices in Vienna

Here you find an overview of all register offices in Vienna. Bestattung Himmelblau has locations in close proximity to the registry offices in the 10th district (Favoriten), in the 13th district (Hietzing), in the 18th district (Währing), in the 21st district (Floridsdorf) and in the 22nd district (Donaustadt).

We are happy to take over the official procedures and formalities at the register offices for you and organize the death certificate.

Register office Inner City
responsible for the 1st, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th district
Schlesingerplatz 4
1080 Vienna
Tel.: 01 4000 08580

Register office Landstraße
responsible for the 3rd district
Karl-Borromäus-Platz 3
1030 Vienna
Tel.: 01 4000 03580

Register office Hietzing
responsible for the 13th, 14th, 15th and 23rd district
Hietzinger Kai 1
1130 Vienna
Tel.: 01 4000 13580

Register office Ottakring
responsible for the 16th and 17th district
Richard-Wagner-Platz 19
1160 Vienna
Tel.: 01 4000 16580

Register office Währing
responsible for the 18th and 19th district
Martinstraße 100
1180 Vienna
Tel.: 01 4000 18580

Register office Brigittenau
responsible for the 2nd and 20th district
Brigittaplatz 10
1200 Vienna
Tel.: 01 4000 20580

Register office Floridsdorf
responsible for the 21st district
Am Spitz 1
1210 Vienna
Tel.: 01 4000 21580

Register office Donaustadt
responsible for the 22nd district
Siebeckstraße 7
1220 Vienna
Tel.: 01 4000 22580